
Today was really chilly and overcast. The water looked great, but I could barely see any ducks. I am so enjoying all the birds around here. Especially the Canadian geese. They are like the teenagers of the bird world.
- They hang out in groups
- They like to make a lot of noise
- They are constantly looking for a better place to hang out
- They love to honk at other geese flying overhead and get them to come down and join them in making even more noise.

But the Lord spoke to me about music. He told me that the kingdom of love is full of music. And actually, that music is love and love is music.

I told him that I wanted to learn how to hear his music. And he answered that it's around me everywhere. It's one of his great gifts he's given to us from heaven - from him. And he gives it to people who are never once going to use it for him. But he still gives this incredible gift.

And then I realized that I had been one of those people. I have this great gift of music and yet my whole life I have used it for myself. Now I didn't use it to speak evil or promote violence or out and out sin. But still I was still using it for myself.

When I come out here to my little lake, I start feeling my mind sorting itself out. I need that. I need to get sorted. I can't sort my mind out at home. There are too many incumbrancers there. Wow, that makes me think of Hebrews 12:1, Let us remove the incumbrancers and run the race. I so want to run the race. But I have all these incumbrancers.